Entries by Ron During

Biking safety tips for you and your family

Florida weather allows cyclists to ride year-round. Winter might be the most favorable season to ride, being the driest and mildest time of year. If you are a dedicated cycler, bike safety is essential. See below for some basic safety tips for you and your family. Wear a helmet The Florida Statutes specify that any…

Recovering from accidents caused by drunk drivers

Florida suffers from hundreds of drunk driving fatalities every year. According to ABC Action News, driving while impaired caused the deaths of 799 Floridians in 2021. The consequences of drunk driving are severe for drivers and their victims. Dealing with the aftermath takes years; unfortunately, lives might never be the same. Penalties for injury and…

Accident prevention tips for delivery drivers

As a delivery driver, you navigate through heavy traffic and congestion. Although your stops are typically short distances apart, the amount of driving you do, where you drive and how often you stop increases your likelihood of a traffic accident. Like most delivery drivers, distractions make you vulnerable…

How to deal with a fatal car accident

Motor vehicle accidents happen every day. Most are fender benders that cause no injury or serious damage. The insurance company of the driver at fault pays for the damages, and everyone goes on with their lives. Unfortunately, more serious accidents also occur…

Phones are not the only distraction in your car

There is a specific element of multitasking that comes with driving a vehicle. From the moment you start your car, you need to think about several things at the same time so that you and the others on the road and in the vehicle can be safe. In some sense, distractions are inevitable. However…

3 reasons for growing number of trucking fatalities

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released a report, finding that trucking deaths have been rising in recent years – from 786 in 2016 to 843 in 2019. (This number dropped somewhat in 2020, likely due to the lower number of overall vehicles on the road during the pandemic.) The Federal…

5 tips for drivers to avoid a motorcycle accident

May is Motorcycle and Bicycle Safety Awareness Month in Florida. For car, truck and SUV drivers in Tampa, it’s a much-needed reminder that riders depend on them to watch out and give bikes plenty of space on the road. Too many motorcycle accidents would not have happened if the driver involved had…